The Piano Tuner You Can Trust

Piano Tuning Fees.

  • Standard Tuning (Every 12 Months)-$220

    For pianos that are regularly played in residential settings, our Standard Tuning is an excellent choice. We recommend scheduling this service every 12 months, depending on your usage and the ambient conditions of your piano's location. Book your piano tuner online today. Our skilled technicians will ensure your piano retains its tonal richness, stays in tune, and brings life to every note you play.

  • Regular Tuning (Every 3 Months)-$150

    For professional musicians, recording studios, music schools and concert venues, maintaining pitch-perfect accuracy is of utmost importance. With our Regular Tuning service, at the most affordable piano tuning cost, we recommend scheduling a tuning every 3 months. Our piano technician possess the expertise to fine-tune your piano to match the rigorous demands of professional performances.

  • Seasonal Tuning (Twice a Year)-$180

    Pianos are sensitive instruments, vulnerable to the ever-changing environmental conditions. With our Seasonal Tuning service, we address the impact of varying humidity and temperature levels. By providing pitch adjustments twice a year, our piano technician helps your piano adapt to the changing conditions.

  • Pitch-Raise Tuning (As Required)-$300

    If your piano hasn’t been serviced for years or has been subjected to extreme fluctuations in temperature and humidity, the pitch may have shifted significantly. In such cases, a Pitch-Raise Tuning service is necessary. Select this service to restore your piano's pitch to concert pitch. A follow up tuning service 3 months after pitch raise is highly recommended for achieving optimal stability.

Stop Practising On An Out Of Tune Piano

Many parents wish their children to learn to play piano, however from conversations I had with many parents, I was told their piano “sounds in tune” even without tuning for many years. I don’t know if it is indeed that piano can keep the right pitch for that long or it is because they don’t really know what an in tune piano should sound like. Another not well perceived consequence for not regularly tuning the piano is the potential damage might be caused to your piano.

Owning an piano is a substantial investment. It is bizarre that people are willing to invest in such a wonderful instrument but not willing to maintain it. If you don’t really care about keeping your piano in good health, then think about your children who are practising on it.

Training your ears to know the correct pitch relationships and developing a strong sense of relative pitch is important in music training. Consistently practising on out of tune piano means you always hear incorrect pitches and inharmonic partials. It will be impossible to have proper ear training.

Imagine you have spent thousands of dollars on a piano and many more thousands of dollars on music lessons but your children is unable to practise on a pitch correct piano, the piece of music they hear from recording is vastly different from what they play. That would discourage your children from learning.

Tuning your piano is just one important part of piano ownership. Get it tuned and start to enjoy the music you play. Tune your piano regularly if you are serious about learning music.

A fun fact that I noticed is there are a diverse range of companion animals I would encounter during a lot of piano tuning appointments. Apart from various breeds of dogs and cats, I have also seen colourful birds, turtles, fish and even rabbit that roaming the house. It was heartwarming to have a cute border collie puppy lying under piano chair, a naughty cat sitting on top a grand piano right in front of my face or a curious grey rabbit at my feet while tuning a piano. They don’t seem to be bothered by various sounds coming out of the piano nor do they care why I am making all those noises. If you have dogs that bark a lot at visitors, why not try let them meet the piano tuner and see if they would actually enjoy watching your piano being tuned.

greyhound sitting in front of a grand piano

The Animal Friends Watching Your Piano Being Tuned

inside an upright piano

Piano tuning cost is your ongoing investment

Piano tuning costs can be perceived as a financial burden or unnecessary spending. However, we firmly believe that the value and benefits derived from this service far outweigh the money spent.When you invest in professional piano tuning, you are preserving the integrity of your piano. Over time, pianos naturally drift out of tune due to changes in temperature, humidity, and the constant playing. Neglecting regular piano tuning can result in costly repairs or even irreversible damage to your piano.Beyond maintaining the physical health of your piano, piano tuning also contributes to the emotional experience of playing and listening to a piano. A harmonically balanced and properly tuned piano enhances the expression of musicians and provides a more enjoyable listening experience for audiences. A poorly tuned piano can be jarring and unpleasant, diminishing the true potential of the music being played.  Piano tuning costs not only cover the time and expertise of a skilled piano tuner but also the investment made in training/practice in the field. By entrusting your piano to a professional piano tuner, you are benefiting from years of training, experience, and a deep understanding of your unique piano. Consider your piano as an invaluable family heirloom, a cherished companion, or an essential musical tool for professionals. Like any treasured possession, it deserves the care and attention it requires to continue serving you faithfully. Regular piano tuning ensures that your instrument can be enjoyed by future generations, passing on the joy of music to your loved ones. So, while it's easy to view piano tuning costs as an expense, we encourage you to see it as a long term investment in preserving the integrity, sound quality, and potential resale value of your piano. 

Your Trusted Piano Tuner

We are dedicated to providing exceptional piano tuning service to our valued customers. Our piano tuner and piano technician offer standard piano tuning,piano repair service, piano hammer voicing and piano actions regulation services for both upright and grand pianos. We take pride in our commitment to delivering high quality piano tuning and repair services.

piano tuning hammer inside a grand piano

You don’t need magic to make your piano sound good.

a piano tuner tuning an upright piano

Regular piano tuning by a professional piano tuner is the key.

Years ago,it all began with the discovery of an old Mignon Piano, a relic from the pre-World War II era that had been passed around different families through generations. It was a nice looking old piano in almost perfect conditions. However it was badly out of tune. Determined to restore it to a playable condition, I started searching for a knowledgeable piano tuner, someone capable of breathing life back into its worn-out actions and keys. To my dismay, the search for a piano tuner near me proved to be a difficult task. Many piano tuners I contacted simply reluctant to service such an old piano which left me feeling helpless. With little hope of finding anyone local willing to tune such an old piano, I turned my search to the City with hope of finding a piano tuner in Sydney or surrounding eastern suburbs. However all I was told was the same story that the piano was too old, not worth tuning, untunable , sounded terrible etc. Never thought finding a piano tuner near me could be such a mission. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. With a growing curiosity and a desire to restore the piano to a reasonable condition, I started the journey of becoming a piano tuner myself. Today, as a piano tuner I tune pianos old and new. I believe, an old piano as holder of memories, as an unique craftsmanship of bygone era, it deserves a chance to resonate with music once more. The joy that my work brings to both the young and the old, across generations, is a testament to the power and lasting impact of the piano itself.

Contact Us

We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have about our piano tuning and repair services for grand and upright pianos in Sydney. Feel free to reach out to us, and we will be more than happy to provide you with the information you need.

piano tuner tuning a pinao

Mobile: 0424 054 332



The Sticking Keys Problem

It can be frustrating when it seems like a piano's keys are sticking, but the issue may actually stem from several other interconnected parts within the actions. Factors such as dirt accumulation, worn-out action parts, or changes in humidity can all contribute to sticky keys. Our professional piano tuner and technician is experienced in diagnosing and resolving these complex issues to ensure that your piano performs at its best. Here are some insights into the sticking keys problem:

  • Keys are tight on balance rail pins or front oval shaped pins. If this is the case, the pins can be lubricated and key holes slightly eased with tools.

  • Hammer flanges are tight. This increases the frictions between hammer flange and hammer butt.

  • Hammer butt springs are weak or broken. Without hammer butt spring, some hammers cannot return or only return very slowly.

  • Jacks springs are weak or jack flange are tight. Sometime this can cause the jack jammed under hammer butt preventing hammer from returning.

  • Bridle tapes are broken. Bridle tapes can pull the hammers back when keys are released. without it, sometimes hammers would not return.

Sticking keys might not be just the problem of keys. It often is more problematic than what many people thought. Depending on your piano actions design, fixing it can be very time consuming or can be really simple by applying some lubricant. However all of these problems can be easily avoided if you maintain a stable climate around your piano, service your piano regularly and play it very often. A piano sitting there like a piece of furniture will likely have all of those problems.

piano hammers
piano hammer butt spring

Do you know a pianola can be tuned just like normal upright piano?

A pianola is a type of player piano that operates by means of a pneumatic or electrical mechanism to play music mechanically. It uses perforated paper rolls containing coded instructions for the piano keys to produce music without the need for a pianist. Pianolas were popular in the early 20th century as a form of home entertainment before the widespread availability of recorded music.

When tuning a pianola, the only difference from a normal upright piano is there are mechanical devices in front of the actions which makes it a bit difficult to reach tuning pin and strings. Apart from that, it is just like tuning a normal piano. A piano tuner should be able to tune your pianola without charging your any extra tuning cost. The photos shown here was an old pianola that the player system doesn’t work. It can be played as normal. Some people even choose to have the player system entirely removed. When tuning this old pianola I found the piano sounded exceptionally good. The only challenge perhaps would be when you want to repair the actions. The player system will have to be removed so it is accessible to actions behind.

inside pianola